Sashco Products-Timeless Wood Care
The people at Sashco manufacture and market sealants, caulks, and stains for housing; some for frame homes, some for log homes. Sometimes they are used to remodel and repair and sometimes to build from scratch. We manufacture all our products ourselves, right in Brighton, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. At Timeless Wood Care, we've spent over 20 years developing a reputation for providing our customers, from professional contractors to individual homeowners, with the best log home products for the lowest possible prices. Choose one of our interior wood finish categories below to find the specific product you're after and access our easy ordering system. You can also shop any of our other wood care product sections by utilizing our drop down catalog menu at the top of the page. If you have any questions on interior finishes or any log home-related topic, check out helpful and handy Learning Center, blog or FAQ. For more immediate assistance or customer care, please call us, toll-free, at 800-564-2987. |