Easy Renovations to Improve Your Log Home's Value

Whether you're fixing up to sell now, or you're just preparing for the future, log home renovations can be extremely rewarding. You'd be surprised at how a few, relatively small fixes can boost your log home's value, especially these days when more and more people are seeing the benefit and character of a log home.   If you're looking for a few simple log home renovations to boost your log home's value, you've come to the right place. Here are five renovations that won't take too much work, and can seriously improve the amount your home is worth.

#1 New Windows and Doors

Installing new, energy efficient windows and doors can mean value in two ways. 1) You'll save money on those energy bills, because they retain the heat or air conditioning you use to keep your home comfortable. 2) They'll boost your home's value. New windows and doors look good, and they perform well, which are both major selling points. Even if you're not selling — these are log home renovations that will improve your log home's overall worth.

#2 Energy Efficient Appliances

In the same vein, energy-efficient appliances can help improve your log home's value when you're renovating. New home buyers love to see new appliances, and they're also great for you while you're still living in your log home. Again, energy efficient appliances will save you money on those energy bills, because they take less electricity to run, and they'll look really good on a realtor's sell sheet as well.

#3 Reapply Log Cabin Stain

Looking for some extra curb appeal? A fresh coat of paint or stain can go a long way, and it won't cost you more than a few cans of stain and a weekend. Beyond the fresh color on your home, a quality log stain can help protect your house from the elements. It seals in the wood, repelling water and any other elements, ensuring your log home remains beautiful and safe for years to come. That adds a lot in value, and in peace of mind.

#4 Hardwood Floors

If there's one surefire way to make sure your log home's value goes up, install hardwood floors. Sure, it might not be the easiest renovation on this list, but compared to a full kitchen overhaul or a master bedroom re-do, it's still a pretty small renovation. When people think of log homes, they think of hardwood just about everywhere, which means they're willing to pay for it. The added bonus is in the longevity of hardwood floors. They can last for decades, and they look beautiful. A key selling point that's functional, and that boosts your log home's value.

#5 Give the Kitchen a Touchup

If a kitchen renovation isn't in the budget, consider a touchup. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference a few small changes can make. Painting your cabinets, changing out your countertops for quartz or marble, and even just changing the hardware on your cabinetry can give you a new look, and a higher value. The kitchen is the best room in your log home to renovate for a high return on your investment, and even a small change can make a big difference.  

 If you're looking to renovate your log home to improve it's value, whether for your own benefit or to sell later down the road Timeless has all the materials you need! We've got construction tools, maintenance products, stain and sealant. Give us a call at 800-564-2987, stop in, or check out our website!