Basic Log Home Maintenance
There are important log home maintenance steps that can be taken in order to greatly reduce the costs of exterior maintenance. The first major consideration is the selection of the building site. Locate the log home on a site where rain water will drain away from the structure on all four sides. If this is not possible, crown the area where the house is built, and alter natural drainage by using swales, retaining walls, or ditches of subsurface drain tiles before you begin construction. If water is allowed to accumulate under a log home, decay could develop quite rapidly.
Earth/wood contact greatly enhances chances of colonization by termites and decay fungi. As a consequence, it is recommended that the foundation wall be constructed in such a manner that there be ample distance between the logs and earth. It should also be high enough to prevent rain water from splashing on the logs. One of the most effective features to be built into a log home are a wide roof overhang and gutters because they help combat decay in walls and foundations, and around doors and windows.
Wider overhangs are particularly desirable in areas of high rainfall. Minimum projections of not less than 18 inches (preferably 24) for one story and 24 inches (preferably 36) for two stories are recommended. Roof-supporting members of logs or of sawn lumber should not project beyond the eaves. If they do, they will become easily wetted and susceptible to decay.
As your home is being constructed, make certain that the attic and crawl space areas are adequately vented to prevent the accumulation of moisture within the living space. The soil in crawl spaces should be covered with polyethylene to reduce the relative humidity of the air in sub-floor spaces.
Lastly, when landscaping the home, keep shrubs and plants proper distance from the house. They’re an ideal source for moisture and insects.
The Best Protection Against Fungi and Insects Is To Keep the Log Walls Dry!
This sections content was provided by The Continental Products Company.