8 Things to Add to Your Log Home Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is finally here! Though it may not seem like this winter has been all that bad, it’s time to get ready for warmer weather, and that includes spring cleaning. Since your log home takes winter a little differently than other homes, here are a few things to keep in mind when you go about your annual spring inspection and cleaning routine:
  1. Water resistance test - It’s a good idea to go around the exterior of your house with a water-filled spray bottle to check the water resistance of your home. If the water beads up and rolls off, you’re in good shape, but if not, it might be time for a cleaning or re-finish.
  2. Check for fading finish - While you’re outside checking out the exterior of your log home, make sure you also look at the condition of your finish. It’s likely that if your finish is getting older, you’ll find flaws and faded spots that can either be cleaned or touched up with a topcoat like Perma-Chink’s Lifeline Advance.
  3. Clean it with log wash - If you’ve refinished or re-stained your log home in the past few years, but you’re still experiencing some fading and loss of water resistance, you might just need to give your log home a good cleaning. Apply a Log Wash to your home from the bottom up and then hose it off from the top down.
  4. Check for damages, checks, and cracks - During the winter, water can get into the logs at the exterior of your home, and expand or contract, which causes cracks and checks in the logs. It’s a good idea to go around and look for any checks, which are fairly normal, and fill them in with a caulk like Check Mate 2. If you see any large cracks, however, that seem to go through more than half of a log, you should call a professional as soon as possible.
  5. Gutters - Probably one of the most disdained tasks, it’s still a good idea to clear out your gutters once warmer weather hits. It’s likely that plenty of fallen leaves and other debris have worked themselves into the gutters throughout the winter storms and you’ll want to get that out as soon as possible.
  6. Trees - Check to make sure that no trees are leaning towards your home, and that no branches are hanging precariously over your roof. If they are, safely cut them down and away from the roof, or call a professional to take care of them. Fallen trees can lead to serious damages, and overhanging limbs provide easy access to pests and rodents - both major problems for log homes.
  7. Shrubbery/landscaping - As you do your spring gardening, mulching, and planting, make sure you’re not putting your home in danger. Try to stay away from climbing plants that can ruin the exterior of your home, and also make sure all shrubberies and bushes are at least 3-5 feet from log walls. If vegetation is too close, it can block airflow and trap in moisture around log walls, putting you at risk for mold and unwanted pests.
  8. Foundation - This is also a good time to check for any cracks in the foundation. Sometimes cracks can form during the extreme temperatures of the winter. If you have had a lot of precipitation, or if you’re experiencing drought conditions, you should also check the ground fill level. If it’s not adequately supporting your foundation, you could run into serious problems.
We hope these tips help you get your log home looking shiny and new for the spring! And if you need any materials to touch it up this year, check out the top-of-the-line log home products from Timeless Wood Care. Head to our website for a look at our full product line, visit our brick and mortar store in Norton Shores, or give us a call at (231) 798-8580 with any questions.