Log Home Design Strategies

1. You can help or hinder maintenance issues with your home’s design. Start by raising the foundation at least 6 inches above grade (some experts recommend as much as 24 inches).

2. Employ generous roof overhangs (also known as eaves) in your design to protect log walls and roof timbers from Mother Nature.

3. Move water runoff away from your home by specifying gutters and downspouts.

4. To resist water and insect damage, don’t allow any log floor or wall materials to be exposed to the ground. Use inorganic materials, such as rock, within 12 to 24 inches of the first course of logs.

5. Never use wood mulch, pine straw or other ground covers, which will encourage termites and other insects.

6. Because log home deterioration tends to happen slowly, keep a maintenance diary to track any problems and your solutions. 

This content was provided by Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.