5 Common myths about log homes
Exterior, horizontal, front elevation , Lutz residence, Leeland, Michigan, Maple Island Log Homes
Log homes are not energy efficient
Log homes can be just as energy efficient as a traditional home, they just need to be sealed and protected with the right products. The two areas that should be a priority to seal properly are the gaps between the logs and the outside of the logs themselves. This will keep the elements out and your logs protected so that you can be sure you won’t waste any energy you use to heat and cool your log home.
We recommend using Perma-Chink to seal the spaces between the logs in your log home. It comes in a variety of colors and is the perfect solution for keeping the elements out and the heat and air conditioning in.
To seal and protect your logs we recommend using Perma-Chink’s Lifeline Advance. This clear coat offers protection from the elements and the UV rays of the sun.
Log homes require a lot of maintenance
This is a common misconception. A log home does not require any more maintenance than any other type of wood sided or wood framed home. Unless preventative maintenance is neglected, a log home usually only requires cleaning, resealing of the logs, and re-chinking periodically.
Insects are more attracted to log homes
When a log home is built, the logs are prepared ahead of time by debarking and drying them to the appropriate level for construction. Bugs are drawn to the bark and moisture in wood, and since neither of these are present in a properly prepared log home, it’s not a serious issue. You can take extra precautions by making sure your logs are properly sealed. This will keep any potential bug problem at bay.
Log homes do not last long
Again, this all comes down to proper maintenance. Some of the oldest structures in the world are made of logs. Any home that is not properly taken care of will deteriorate over time. Protection from the elements and routine maintenance are key. You can take a look at our Yearly Maintenance and Inspections Blog to see what we recommend. By taking the proper maintenance steps, a log home can last forever.
Logs are not good insulators
Logs actually act as better insulators than you would find in a traditional home. In fact, they are about 25-50% better depending on the size and type of the log. Logs act as great insulators because they naturally have tiny air pockets located inside of them that prevent heat from flowing in or out of the home, depending on the season.